Saturday 12 March 2016

The Nigeria President and his touring cruise....

So while Nigerians are languishing in poverty; exchange rate crazily higher than ever, increase in scarcity of fuel, even when Nigeria is one of the highest oil producing countries, mad increase in the prices of goods and services, unpaid civil servant salaries in so many states like Imo State, increase in bloodsheds emanating from crisis and Boko haram bomb blasts, lack of employments, thefts, hunger, decrease in production of commodities due to lack of funding, etc....., The President 'Mr Buharia' is  just busy touring and cruising around the world!

Cheii! What did Nigerians buy to deserve this kind of "CHANGE"?! Are things getting better, worst or normal with all this jolly around the world?
Asking Nigerians to withdraw their children from studying abroad if they can't afford the exchange rate in Dollars, is it the right thing to do to restore the broken economy or mere perpetration of wickedness against innocent citizens? Do Nigerians actually have the right speg in the square hole or still expecting the right "Change"?

Dear Mr Buharia, if the indigenous people of Nigeria believed that much in you to the point of voting you into power, why the let down? You do not have to sit down and watch them perish in agony when they trusted so much in you as their messiah! Remember without their votes, there will be no you!
Remember your promise was to make the country better than it was at the time of Mr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.
Help the great country of Nigeria to 'Balance' the "Change" Biko!!


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