Sunday 13 March 2016

Inspirational quote of the day....

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say , on the LORD. Psalm 27:14 (KJV).

Are you hurting physically?  Do you have pain that rarely subsides?  It's easy to focus on the pain and question where is God and why hasn't He healed you yet.  Don't let the pain speak louder than God's love for you.  He loves you very much.  This pain you bear can have meaning by bringing glory to God.  Be courageous today, don't concentrate on the pain, instead, be bold in your patience for the Lord. Faith is just the key to answered prayers. Your hope shall not be dashed if you believe strongly. As His word says: all things are possible to him that believeth. God never fails, neither would he change because of your situation. Believe in yourself as God's hand-Made, doubt no more. Double mindedness would only deprive one of greater achievements and/ results. Just keep your mind positioned. You know what you want from your maker, keep reminding him in prayers and keep your trust in His abundant faithfulness and every other thing will be settled.

May the Lord Remember you like Hannah!
May He heal you like nehman!
May the Lord restore you like Job!
May He bless you like Abraham!
It is well with your soul in Jesus Precious Name...Amen!!

Happy Sunday everyone and enjoy a fabulous week ahead.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very inspiring & uplifting words.

    I love this:
    Don't let your pain speak louder than God's love.
    Don't concentrate on your pain, be bold in your patience for the Lord.
    Keep reminding & keep trusting.
