Amateur metal detector finds crucifix that may change the historical record of Christianity
An ancient crucifix has been found in remarkable condition
I do not believe that this pendant has anything to do with Christianity - the opposite in fact! The pendant appears to have feathered arms, rings on its legs and a beak - it is more likely to be a depiction of one of Odin's Ravens that is common folklore all over Scandinavia.
Converted to ease trade. Nice.
He's not the Messiah he's a very naughty boy!

One must be careful before declaring that the person who wore this pendant "adhered to Christianity," much less that Denmark was Christian by her time. The Christianization of the Vikings was a very gradual process. There are Viking gravestones from quite late in the Middle Ages with symbols of Wotan on one side and Christian symbols on the other, as Kenneth Clark said, "hedging your bets." Until one's Christianity was formalized by baptism and profession of faith, objects like this were worn as talismans chosen from amongst many -- Wotan, Thor, Jesus, Dionysus, Baubo -- or simply as fashion accessories. In that age, having a finely worked piece like this, especially in gold, said as much about your wealth and social status as your faith.
An especially interesting discovery since Christianity is becoming a minority sect operating exclusively from the underground, or a history item of what it was just thirty years ago.

Ok, let's look at this a little closer:
- If it is a cross, the person is tied. I don't remember Jesus tied to a cross, but nailed.
- Romans crucified a lot of people. A lot.
- The person can be tied to an apparatus, like for flying.
- My best guess is the person is tied to something in order to be cremated or something. People used to die back then. A lot.
- And, following other comments, the vikings might have stolen. Vikings stole a lo... well, you got the picture.
Does the Buddha statue found in the same part of the world mean there were Viking Buddhists ? Or"just trading " ?? And why so certain this was not "just traded "jewelry as well ??
There may only have been a difference of 15 years between the date of this cross and other Chriatian relics per the story. How does that exactly change Danish history?!
How does this change the historical record of Christianity? From the headline I thought the figure might have been female or had some sort of anomaly which would have challenged or verified the story. But no, all the find suggests is that Vikings might have had access to the faith earlier rather than later.
Gold Crucifixes was theft-proneobjects during the Viking raids. I think the archaeologist draw too hasty conclusions?
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