Friday 20 May 2016

Two Teenage girls detained for conspiring to kidnap babies.....

Teenage girls detained over baby kidnap plot

  • 57 minutes ago
  • From the section England
Holly Kelland and Cody FarrarImage copyrightDERBYSHIRE POLICE
Image captionHolly Kelland, from Wellingborough, and Cody Farrar, from Evesham, both admitted conspiracy to kidnap
Two teenage girls - including one who had been faking a pregnancy - have been detained for conspiring to kidnap three babies.
Holly Kelland, 17 at the time, contacted new mothers through a bogus Facebook profile and offered free baby clothes to get their addresses.
Her friend Cody Farrar, also 17, posed as a social worker and persuaded a mother in Derby to hand over her baby.
Both have been given 12-month detention and training orders.
Derbyshire Police believe Kelland, now 18, intended to pass the baby off as her own.
Generic baby scanImage copyrightSCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
Image captionHolly Kelland researched how to fake a pregnancy online, and even bought fake baby scans
Det Sgt Duncan Gouck said: "She had obviously created a story around her pregnancy and that story was maintained over a period of time to family and friends.
"I can only assume the offences were committed in order for that false reality to continue into the future."
The bogus Facebook profile was set up in the name of Clare Farrant and was used to try to obtain the addresses of new mothers by offering them free designer baby socks.
A mother in Huddersfield was contacted first, on 14 September, but she gave her mother's address instead of her own and the girls did not visit her.
Facebook message from 'Clare Farrant'

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