Wednesday 11 May 2016

Mr. Cameron and his corruption statement against Nigerians....

I personally do not see anything wrong with what Mr. Cameron said, about Nigerians being fantastically corrupt.

It takes a dead brain human to misunderstood Mr. Cameron's statement.

The question now is; are Nigerians truly fantastically corrupt?

My own answer is-Yes!!! Even though no one accepts his/her mother's soup is not sweet!.....

-The Nigerian leaders are the architect of the corruption!
-Nigeria is one of the highest oil producing countries but lack fuel, electricity, kerosene and gas more than every other country in the world!!
-Nigeria is highly rich in all kinds of natural resources but about 80% of the citizens could barely feed twice a day!
-The president of Nigeria-Mr. Buhari DOES NOT respect the law! Eg; The Nigerian law declared Nnamdi Kanu "not guilty", but Mr. Buhari refused to obey the law. Meanwhile, the Fulani Herdsmen killed dozens upon dozens of people from the south East of the country without any arrest or sign of grief!
-The arrogant leaders does not have the interest of the masses at heart....Never!!!
- Few weeks after the mantle of leadership was handed over to Mr. Buhari, he openly declared Nigerian's "Fruadsters"!, without apologies!
-The wife of Nigeria President-Aisha Buhari, during the presidential campaign in 2015, openly Tagged Edo girls/women abroad "Prostitudes"!....with no apologies!
-In Nigeria, innocent civilians come out on a peaceful protest and are being shot by the Police and Soldiers and guess what?...that's all!
-Fight for Corruption goes one sided!...., the president's party squanders funds and no confrontation, but opposition parties collects money, what happens?!!....jail sentence on the go go!!

Last but not the least:

-The rich goes richer in Nigeria and the poor goes poorer!!

I concur with Mr. Cameron 100%!, and May thunder fire whoever that will oppose his statement!!

Says- #Ada Government #Ogegrace.😳😡

The Corruption gist as it happened:

Cameron praises Nigeria and Afghanistan's corruption action

Media captionDavid Cameron on "fantastically corrupt" countries attending a UK anti-corruption summit
Nigeria and Afghanistan have taken "remarkable steps forward" on corruption, David Cameron told MPs - a day after calling the countries "fantastically corrupt".
The PM said the countries' leaders were "battling hard" to tackle the problem.
It comes after he was recorded talking to the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
An Afghan official said "bold" action had already been taken while Nigeria's president said he would not be demanding an apology from the PM.
Asked at the anti-corruption conference in London if Nigeria was "fantastically corrupt", Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, who came to power last year on a promise to fight corruption, replied: "Yes."
Media captionPresident Buhari says "the scale of corruption is enormous" in Nigeria
Mr Buhari said he was more interested in the return of stolen assets held in British banks, adding that corruption in Nigeria was endemic and his government was committed to fighting it.
The Afghan embassy in London said tackling corruption was one of President Ghani's top priorities and "bold" action had been taken. 
"We have made important progress in fighting systematic capture in major national procurement contracts and are making progress on addressing institutional issues as well as issues related to impunity... therefore calling Afghanistan in that way is unfair."

'Plundered money'

Mr Cameron's original comment about the two countries came while he was speaking at an event to mark the Queen's 90th birthday about hosting world and business leaders at this week's anti-corruption summit in London 
"We've got some leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries coming to Britain... Nigeria and Afghanistan, possibly the two most corrupt countries in the world," he was caught on camera saying.
Mr Cameron was asked about his comments during Prime Minister's Questions, where he jokingly checked his microphone was working, referred to "tips on diplomacy" and said he had made "many unforced errors" in the past 24 hours.
Media captionTory Philip Davies criticises UK taxpayers' money going to Nigeria and Afghanistan
Answering a question from Tory backbencher Philip Davies - who asked why UK aid was being given to countries the PM sees as corrupt - he praised the action taken by Afghanistan and Nigeria and warned cutting off aid could "come back to haunt us here".
He also defended action by his own government, including on overseas tax havens and measures to make sure "plundered money from African countries can't be hidden in London".
In the footage showing Mr Cameron's comments, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby intervened to say: "But this particular president is not corrupt... he's trying very hard," before Speaker John Bercow said: "They are coming at their own expense, one assumes?"
Earlier Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the PM had been "merely stating a fact" in his comments, and ex-London mayor Boris Johnson said people would "find it refreshing he was speaking his mind".
Media captionThe Queen discusses the Chinese state visit with Commander Lucy D'Orsi
In Transparency International's 2015 corruption perception index, Afghanistan was ranked at 167, ahead of only Somalia and North Korea, Nigeria was at 136.
No 10 said the presidents of Nigeria and Afghanistan had "acknowledged the scale of the corruption challenge they face in their countries".

Tax havens

But Labour said a Tory government "hosting an anti-corruption summit was like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop".
"The government is refusing to take meaningful action to close Britain's constellation of tax havens, which together constitute the largest financial secrecy network in the world," said shadow international development secretary Diane Abbott. 
Transparency International said the UK's record was mixed and concrete action was needed on tax evasion and secrecy in the wake of the Panama Papers disclosures, stopping tainted firms from bidding for public contracts and protecting whistleblowers who expose corruption.
Asked whether the PM knew his remarks to the Queen were being recorded, Downing Street said: "The cameras are very close to him, there are multiple cameras in the room."
At a garden party later on Tuesday, the Queen herself was filmed on camera making comments about the Chinese government. 
She told a senior police officer that she had heard the Chinese had been very rude to Britain's ambassador to China during President Xi's state visit last year.

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