Wednesday 4 May 2016

David Cameron urge Gary Lineker to present match of the day in his underwear.....

David Cameron holds Gary Lineker to MOTD pants promise

  • 16 minutes ago
  • From the section Leicester
Media captionLeicester MP Keith Vaz asks David Cameron about the importance of keeping promises
Gary Lineker should keep his promise and present Match of the Day in his underwear, Prime Minister David Cameron has said.
The former England footballer joked back in December that he would present the show "in just my undies" if Leicester City won the Premier League.
Leicester East MP Keith Vaz asked Mr Cameron if the pundit should keep his promise after the club's triumph.
The prime minister replied that he "absolutely" agreed he should.
Gary Lineker tweets: It seems @David_Cameron is keen to see me in my pants. If that's what does it for you Prime minister.... #PMQs
Image captionGary Lineker acknowledged the prime minister in a tweet
Lineker later tweeted: "It seems @David_Cameron is keen to see me in my pants. If that's what does it for you prime minister."
The celebrated former Leicester and Spurs forward previously told the Radio Times he thought there was "zero chance" of Leicester winning the Premier League when he made his promise in a tweet.
Gary Lineker and Alan Hansen, publicity still for The History of the FA Cup Final
Image captionGary Lineker appeared topless when promoting a programme about the history of the FA Cup Final
The Foxes were priced at odds of 5000/1 to win the title last summer - the same odds on offer for Elvis Presley being found alive. 
Bookmakers are now taking bets on what colour pants Lineker will wear, and the 55-year-old has asked if he can place a thousand pounds on polka dots at 33/1.
David Cameron
Image captionDavid Cameron said Gary Lineker should "absolutely" keep his promise to present Match of the Day in his underwear
Mr Vaz was wearing a Leicester scarf in the Commons for the second day running when he asked about Gary Lineker's underwear during Prime Minster's Questions.
He said: "During this amazing season the local Leicester hero, Gary Lineker, thought the idea of Leicester winning was so farfetched that he said if they did win he would present Match of the Day in his underwear.
"As an Aston Villa supporter, and my commiserations to the prime minister on their season, does he agree that in politics as well as in football, when you make a promise you should keep it?"
Gary Lineker, circa 1980Image copyrightGetty Images
Image captionGary Lineker began his career with Leicester City, his home town club
Gary Lineker tweets 'YES! If Leicester win the Premier League I'll do the first Match of the Day of the next season in just my undies.Image copyrightGary Lineker Twitter
Image captionGary Lineker tweeted the promise in December, when he thought there was "zero chance" of his former club winning
Mr Cameron replied: "I absolutely agree. I've been watching everything Gary Lineker has said since.
"He's not quite answering the question, something that of course no one ever gets away with in this house.
"And so I welcome what he said. Obviously I hope it's just the start of him joining the blue team."
Simona Marcia tweets a photo of Gary Lineker in blue Leicester City pants in the Match of the Day studio and says, 'the best part about hashtag Leicester City Football Club champions? This will become a reality soon'.Image copyright@SimonaMarcia Twitter
Image captionTwitter users have made suggestions as to what Gary Lineker should wear
A Leicester fan with a t-shirt directed at Gary Lineker before the Leicester City v West Ham United matchImage copyrightReuters
Image captionPressure from Leicester City fans mounted on Gary Lineker as the 2015-16 season unfolded
Yasmin Aziz tweets a photo of the presenters of Match of the Day with Gary Lineker in the front wearing blue pants. She says, 'cant wait Gary Lineker'.Image copyright@yasminaziz_liz Twitter

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