Friday 20 May 2016

Mother jailed for seven years and two months for putting Tramadol in her baby's milk....

Tramadol baby milk mum Rose Jones jailed for child cruelty

  • 4 hours ago
  • From the section Devon
Rose Jones and a baby's milk bottleImage copyrightSWNS/THINKSTOCK
Image captionRose Jones added the opium-based painkiller to breast milk, Plymouth Crown Court heard
A mother who put Tramadol in her one-year-old daughter's milk in a bid to calm the baby down has been jailed.
Rose Jones, 31, was addicted to the opium-based painkiller when she added it to breast milk, Plymouth Crown Court heard.
A judge said Jones had "consistently exaggerated" the girl's condition in an attempt to get more benefits payments.
Mother-of-eight Jones, from Keyham, Plymouth, was jailed for seven years and two months.
She pleaded guilty to child cruelty, drug possession and perverting the course of justice.

'Repeated acts of cruelty'

Tests established the prescription drug could not have been found in Jones' breast milk at the high levels recorded unless it was added, the court heard.
A hair sample taken from the baby showed she had Tramadol in her system for some months.
She does not appear to have suffered any long-term effects from the drug, the court heard.
Judge Ian Lawrie, said she had "committed repeated acts of cruelty" on her daughter.
"You consistently exaggerated the condition of your daughter to get more money from the DWP (The Department for Work and Pensions)".

'No regret'

"You in my judgement have carried out a calculated act to poison your child," he said.
"Do I pick up any sense of regret? No I don't."
Det Sgt Mark Beavan said: "Jones misused the opium based painkiller Tramadol and satisfied her addiction by lying to and defrauding members of the public and professionals. 
He said her sentence meant her children were "not at risk of any further harm".

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