Tuesday 25 October 2022

Korra Obidi eats, exposing her private parts, got Lambasted by Netizens over her indecent appearance.

Korra Obidi flashes her private parts on viewers while live on social media eating her African food.
This has got her viewers attention and lots of negative outbursts as reflected in the comments section.
👉 “you are eating worse than dogs” a comment from one of the viewers.
Many has worried about her mental health as they believe Korra appears mentally unstable.
Some viewers felt she appeared disgusting and always sexualising everything she does.
However, Korra feels happy to eat her African pepper soup she believes was cooked with Nchanwu (Scent leave).

A lot of comments made by different viewers shows the Dancer has many things to fix before displaying irritating behaviour on social media.
Some people felt disgusted to see that Justin had had her as a wife and thinks it hard to believe Justin was attracted to a girl like Korra.

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