Wednesday 6 April 2016

55 years old grandmum gives birth to Triplets with her 40 years old boy friend....

Grown up son of 55-year-old grandmother who has become Britain's oldest mother of triplets reveals he thinks she is too old to go through IVF

  • Grandmother Sharon Cutts, 55, and her boyfriend, 40, spent £22,000 on IVF
  • Mason, Ryan and Lily all by born by C-section on March 21 in Nottingham
  • Son Charles, 21, said: 'She shouldn't be having children due to her age'.
  • Mother of seven had Botox and hair extensions 'to look her best after birth' 
  • NHS only fund IVF on women up to age of 42 so the couple went to Cyprus
  • Do you know Mrs Cutts? email or call 02036151861
The grown up son of the 55-year-old grandmother who is now Britain's oldest mother of triplets said today: 'She shouldn't be having children due to her age'.
Sharon Cutts, from Boston in Lincolnshire, gave birth to Mason, Ryan and Lily, on March 21 with her boyfriend Stuart Reynolds, 40.
The mother of seven spent £22,000 on IVF in Cyprus because she was too old for NHS treatment - and today her 21-year-old son Charles revealed that he disagreed with her decision.
The gym instructor said: 'I'll always be there for her and support her but I did disagree with the IVF. Obviously I'm concerned for her health because she's 55'.
Sharon Cutts' son Charles, 21, who
Sharon Cutts' son Charles, 21, who
Cute: Triplet Lily, left in pink, and one of her brothers in blue born on March 21 - all three of the young siblings are doing well
Cute: Triplet Lily, left in pink, and one of her brothers in blue born on March 21 - all three of the young siblings are doing well
'It's a big thing for a 55-year-old, they should be relaxing more and starting to enjoy life, but now she's starting all over again'.
Charles, who also has siblings Emma, 26, Sam, 23, and Amy, 19, from Ms Cutts' relationship with her estranged husband has visited his mother three times since the triplets were born.
He said: 'I'm happy that my mum and Stu got what they wanted. Stu has no children of his own this was his last shot at it really.
'They both seem very tired but I'm sure they'll get into a routine and it'll get easier.' 
The glamorous grandmother of four gave herself Botox on the maternity ward and sneaked out for hair extensions 'to look my best for when the babies were born'.
The trained nurse told The Sun: 'I only injected a little bit, because really you shouldn't do it while you're pregnant. I gave myself a dose while I was staying in the maternity ward for 11 weeks'.   
The NHS will only perform IVF up to the age of 42, so the couple went to a private clinic before travelling to Cyprus for the procedure. 
Ms Cutts, who has gone through the menopause, used eggs from a woman chosen because they look alike. These were fertilised with her boyfriend's sperm in a lab before being placed in her womb.
She has four grown-up children with her estranged husband of 24 years, and said she does not care that the babies are younger than her grandchildren because 'it means they've got lots of playmates'.
Ms Cutts added: 'At the scan we were told there were three heartbeats. Stuart was shocked and I was in tears, crying with joy.
'The first thing I thought was: 'Oh my God, how am I going to cope?'.
Factory worker Mr Reynolds said: 'I was excited, and then bricking it. Now they're here I wouldn't change it for the world.'
The couple took out loans of £15,000 to pay the medical bills and spent £7,000 of their savings.
The pregnancy was fraught with problems and doctors advised one of the babies should be aborted due to the dangers of pregnancy at that age.
Mother-of-seven Sharon Cutts and her boyfriend Stuart Reynolds
Mother-of-seven Sharon Cutts and her boyfriend Stuart Reynolds
The 55-year-old grandmother has become Britain's oldest mother of triplets after undergoing IVF
The 55-year-old grandmother has become Britain's oldest mother of triplets after undergoing IVF
But Ms Cutts refused and the triplets were born by Caesarean section after an 11-week stay in Nottingham University Hospital. They each weighed between 4lbs and 5lbs. 
The proud parents, who have been together for four years, had wanted to start a family but Ms Cutts had started the menopause. Her boyfriend Stuart did not have any children of his own.
They decided to try IVF, where an egg from another woman's ovaries was fertilised with Stuart's sperm and then placed in her womb. 
Because she was over the age of 42 the NHS do not offer the treatment and so they tried Cyprus because they do it to the age of 60. 
In 2014 they made two attempts but none of the nine embryos placed in the grandmother's womb was successful. 
But with hope and money running out the third IVF attempt last year was successful and three of the four embryos survived.
Two weeks later it was confirmed she was pregnant but at 23 weeks she started to bleed and eventually spent the final 11 weeks of her pregnancy in a Nottingham hospital. Happily Mason, Ryan and Lily were all born safely last month.
Ms Cutts admits that her older children Emma, 26, Sam, 23, Charles, 21, and Amy, 19, weren't all convinced that becoming a mother again was a good idea.
One of her sons said she was 'too old' and would get 'fat', she said. 
She says she is a former marathon runner and fitness fanatic who is well equipped for the sleep deprivation every new parent faces.
And having had four children before she will be ready for the 21 nappy changes and 24 feeds required for the triplets every day.

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