Thursday, 13 April 2017

Millions of Naira uncovered by the Nigeria EFCC

EFCC Once Again uncovers Huge Sums of Dollars, Pounds and Naira in an Apartment in Ikoyi

While millions of Nigerians are seriously encountering poverty on a daily basis, quit some unknown greedy ones are busy hiding and stocking Billions of cash in their private chamber. 
I hope these Millions/Billions are used to help the poor ones, thereby reducing poverty and recession in Nigeria.

Watch the video below:

Friday, 7 April 2017

Ogeblog is back....

Dear Viewers

Thank you all for your kind supports.
Your constant visits to my Blog @ http:/

Sorry for my long silence. It was not intentional to the best of my knowledge.
I am working real hard to come back here in due course and so many goodies as possible.

I will do everything in my possible best to keep this blog alive and presentable for everyone of my amiable viewers and readers to enjoy.

Your likes and comments will be quit courageous, helpful and well appreciated.

So stay tuned to our amazing new update plus all the beautiful latest "Fashion Shows" to come from "De Grace Designs."

Also coming soon from De Grace herself: AfriCaribean School Of Fashion and Designing Uk.
                                                           -----:De Grace Boutique UK.
All our latest programs will be displayed on this platform without much delay.

I love you all and hope to have you guys along this cruising jet.😘🙌

Best wishes from

Oge Grace.